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Grundlagen Beispielwissenschaften

Sie sind zur Teilnahme an einer Onlineumfrage berechtigt. Die Details zu dieser Umfrage sind:

Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

Grundlagen Beispielwissenschaften WS22/23


Prof. Dr. Anton Adamski


Dear workshop participant,
the Graduate Centre aims to tailor its doctoral development programme as closely as possible to the individual needs of its members. Therefore, your feedback is highly appreciated and we kindly ask you to fill out this form. The evaluation is anonymous and all data will be treated confidentially. After the analysis, the instructor will be informed about the aggregated results. The participation in this survey is voluntary.
Thank you very much for your support!

Your Graduate Centre Team


Please reflect upon each statement to which extent it applies to the workshop.



Please assess the instructor concerning the following topics.

Overall assessment and comments

Personal Information

Thank you very much for your participation!
